Das Wörterbuch ChatGPT basiert auf künstlicher Intelligenz.
Wörterbuch ChatGPT


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Wörter, die mit "P" beginnen: 133665
put down roots
put down to
put flesh on (the bones of) something
put forth
put forward
put heads together
put house in order
put in
put in for
put in mind
put in one's oar
put in practice
put it to
put money where mouth is
put my name in
put off
put on
put on one's thinking cap
put on the dog {{N. Amer. }}
put one in mind of
put one over on
put one's back into
put one's best foot forward
put one's finger on
put one's foot down
put one's foot in it
put one's hand in one's pocket
put one's hands together
put one's hands up
put one's head (or neck) on the block
put one's head in a noose
put one's money where one's mouth is
put one's shirt on {{Brit. }}
put one's shoulder to the wheel
put oneself in another's place
put option
put out
put out of countenance
put out to grass
put out to pasture
put out {{N. Amer. }}
put over
put paid to
put round
put someone (or go) through the hoops
put someone about
put someone away
put someone down
put someone in their place
put someone off
put someone off their stroke
put someone on
put someone on a charge
put someone on notice (or serve notice)
put someone on the spot
put someone on to
put someone out
put someone through
put someone through their paces
put someone to death
put someone to shame
put someone to sleep
put someone up
put someone up to
put someone's (or have one's) ass in a sling {{N. Amer. }}
put someone's eyes out
put someone's nose out of joint
put someone/thing out of their misery
put something about
put something aside (or by)