KI-basierte Sprachtools
KI-basierte Sprachtools

Englisch-deutsches Wörterbuch

"    3    A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    Ä    Ö    Ü   
Wörter, die mit "F" beginnen: 13761
full blooded
full blown
full board
full bodied
full broadcast
full capacity
full commitment
full compatibility
full compensation
full constitution
full control
full cooperation
full coverage
full days
full disclosure
full dress
full duplex
full employment
full employment economy
full employment national product
full employment policy
full erection
full fledged
full front offensive
full height drive bay
full house
full linkage
full measure
full military burial ceremony
full month
full moon
full negotiating partner
full of
full of admiration
full of beans
full of energy
full of himself
full of holes
full of ideas
full of life
full of oneself
full partner
full price
full professor
full recovery
full relations
full responsibility
full rights
full sail
full screen application
full shade
full speed
full stomach
full stop
full strength $2$
full time job
full time$1$
full to capacity
full to the brim
full up
full volume
full week insertion
full well
full year
full-course dinner