Das Wörterbuch ChatGPT basiert auf künstlicher Intelligenz.
Wörterbuch ChatGPT

Wörterbuch Englisch-Russisch

"    '    (    -    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    £    А    Б    В    Г    Д    Е    Ж    З    И    К    Л    М    Н    О    П    Р    С    Т    У    Ф    Х    Ц    Ч    Ш    Щ    Э    Ю    Я   
Wörter, die mit "T" beginnen: 93621
type carrier connecting rod
type case
type caster
type casting
type casting matrix
type catcher
type character
type characteristic
type characteristics
type checking
type class
type classification
type composition
type conversion
type culture collection
type cylinder
type dauge
type declaration
type design
type designation
type designer
type dimensioning
type disk
type distortion unit
type drum
type error
type face
type face grid
type face range
type family
type flower
type font
type font down-loading
type for hand-setting
type for hot foil processing
type form
type founder
type foundry
type front
type gage
type galley's height
type genus
type head
type height
type high stereotype
type house
type in
type indexing
type library
type line
type line spacer
type list
type locality
type manufacturer
type master
type matrix
type matter
type metal
type mismatch
type model
type mortiser
type number
type of analyticity
type of cement
type of construction
type of contract
type of data
type of distribution
type of drive
type of duty