Fret - ορισμός. Τι είναι το Fret
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Τι (ποιος) είναι Fret - ορισμός

Frets; Fretted instruments; Fret buzz; Fretted instrument; Fret Buzz; Fret (guitar); Fret (music); Guitar fret; Fretbar
  • microtonal]] frets between semitones.

·noun ·see 1st Frith.
II. Fret ·noun Herpes; tetter.
III. Fret ·vt To Devour.
IV. Fret ·noun A saltire interlaced with a mascle.
V. Fret ·vi To eat in; to make way by corrosion.
VI. Fret ·vt To furnish with frets, as an instrument of music.
VII. Fret ·vt To Impair; to wear away; to Diminish.
VIII. Fret ·vi To be vexed; to be chafed or irritated; to be angry; to utter peevish expressions.
IX. Fret ·noun Ornamental work in relief, as carving or embossing. ·see Fretwork.
X. Fret ·vt To make rough, agitate, or disturb; to cause to ripple; as, to fret the surface of water.
XI. Fret ·vt To Tease; to Irritate; to Vex.
XII. Fret ·vt To ornament with raised work; to Variegate; to Diversify.
XIII. Fret ·noun The agitation of the surface of a fluid by fermentation or other cause; a rippling on the surface of water.
XIV. Fret ·vi To be worn away; to Chafe; to Fray; as, a wristband frets on the edges.
XV. Fret ·noun The reticulated headdress or net, made of gold or silver wire, in which ladies in the Middle Ages confined their hair.
XVI. Fret ·vi To be agitated; to be in violent commotion; to Rankle; as, rancor frets in the malignant breast.
XVII. Fret ·noun Agitation of mind marked by complaint and impatience; disturbance of temper; irritation; as, he keeps his mind in a continual fret.
XVIII. Fret ·noun A short piece of wire, or other material fixed across the finger board of a guitar or a similar instrument, to indicate where the finger is to be placed.
XIX. Fret ·noun An ornament consisting of smmall fillets or slats intersecting each other or bent at right angles, as in classical designs, or at obilique angles, as often in Oriental art.
XX. Fret ·noun The worn sides of river banks, where ores, or stones containing them, accumulate by being washed down from the hills, and thus indicate to the miners the locality of the veins.
XXI. Fret ·vt To Rub; to wear away by friction; to Chafe; to Gall; hence, to eat away; to Gnaw; as, to fret cloth; to fret a piece of gold or other metal; a worm frets the plants of a ship.
(frets, fretting, fretted)
If you fret about something, you worry about it.
I was working all hours and constantly fretting about everyone else's problems...
But congressional staffers fret that the project will eventually cost billions more...
Don't fret, Mary. This is all some crazy mistake.
= worry
VERB: V about/over n, V that, V
The frets on a musical instrument such as a guitar are the raised lines across its neck.
I. v. a.
Rub, chafe, wear (by friction), abrade, fray, gall, wear away.
Vex, tease, irritate, gall, ruffle, provoke, nettle, affront, make angry.
Annoy, worry, weary, harass, wear.
Ripple, ruffle, agitate, roughen.
Wear, wear away, gnaw into, corrode, cover with depressions.
Variegate, diversify, ornament with raised or depressed work.
Ornament with frets or fretting or fretwork.
II. v. n.
Chafe, fume, rage, be vexed, be irritated, be chafed, be peevish, be fretful, be angry.
III. n.
Agitation, irritation, vexation, fretfulness, fretting, peevishness.
Herpes, tetter, ringworm.
Fretwork, intertwined linear ornament, square raised ornament, key ornament.
Ridge, raised line, whelk, wale.



A fret is any of the thin strips of material, usually metal wire, inserted laterally at specific positions along the neck or fretboard of a stringed instrument. Frets usually extend across the full width of the neck. On some historical instruments and non-European instruments, frets are made of pieces of string tied around the neck.

Frets divide the neck into fixed segments at intervals related to a musical framework. On instruments such as guitars, each fret represents one semitone in the standard western system, in which one octave is divided into twelve semitones. Fret is often used as a verb, meaning simply "to press down the string behind a fret". Fretting often refers to the frets and/or their system of placement.

Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για Fret
1. Others, however, fret that the new freedoms will bring problems.
2. That‘s what we should fret about.
3. Voinovich (Ohio), continue to fret over the price tag.
4. Fifa and the German tourist board say don‘t fret.
5. Judges fret that proposed legal reforms will clip their independence.