Stake - ορισμός. Τι είναι το Stake
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Τι (ποιος) είναι Stake - ορισμός

Stakes; Stake (disambiguation); The stake

Kosmokoma; Steak Number Eight; STAKE; Love, Death and Decay
I. n.
Stick (pointed for driving into the ground), picket, pale.
Wager, bet, pledge.
Risk, hazard, venture, adventure.
Martyrdom (by fire).
II. v. a.
Risk, venture, hazard, peril, imperil, jeopardize, wager, pledge, put at stake, put at hazard.
Kosmokoma; Steak Number Eight; STAKE; Love, Death and Decay
¦ noun
1. a strong post with a point at one end, driven into the ground to support a tree, form part of a fence, etc.
historical a wooden post to which a person was tied before being burned alive as a punishment.
2. a small anvil, typically with a projection for fitting into a socket on a bench.
3. a long vertical rod used in basket-making.
4. a territorial division of the Mormon Church.
¦ verb
1. support (a plant) with a stake.
2. (stake something out) mark an area with stakes so as to claim ownership.
defend a position or policy assertively.
3. (stake someone/thing out) informal keep a person or place under surveillance.
pull up stakes N. Amer. move or go to live elsewhere.
stake a claim assert one's right to something.
OE staca, of W. Gmc origin; related to stick2.
¦ noun
1. a sum of money gambled on a risky game or venture.
2. a share or interest in a business or situation.
3. (stakes) prize money.
[in names] a horse race in which the owners of the horses running contribute to the prize money.
4. (stakes) a competitive situation: one step ahead in the fashion stakes.
¦ verb
1. gamble (money or something of value).
2. N. Amer. informal give financial or other support to.
at stake
1. at risk.
2. at issue or in question.
ME: perh. a specialized usage of stake1, from the notion of an object being placed as a wager on a post or stake.
Kosmokoma; Steak Number Eight; STAKE; Love, Death and Decay
·vt To pierce or wound with a stake.
II. Stake ·add. ·noun A territorial division;
- called also stake of Zion.
III. Stake ·vt To fasten, support, or defend with stakes; as, to stake vines or plants.
IV. Stake ·vt That which is laid down as a wager; that which is staked or hazarded; a pledge.
V. Stake ·vt The piece of timber to which a martyr was affixed to be burned; hence, martyrdom by fire.
VI. Stake ·vt To mark the limits of by stakes;
- with out; as, to stake out land; to stake out a new road.
VII. Stake ·vt A stick inserted upright in a lop, eye, or mortise, at the side or end of a cart, a flat car, or the like, to prevent goods from falling off.
VIII. Stake ·vt To put at hazard upon the issue of competition, or upon a future contingency; to Wager; to Pledge.
IX. Stake ·vt A small anvil usually furnished with a tang to enter a hole in a bench top, - used by tinsmiths, blacksmiths, ·etc., for light work, punching upon, ·etc.
X. Stake ·vt A piece of wood, usually long and slender, pointed at one end so as to be easily driven into the ground as a support or stay; as, a stake to support vines, fences, hedges, ·etc.


Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για Stake
1. The Hermitage Fund had a significant stake in Sidanco but no stake in MGTS.
2. Tullow operates the Deepwater Tano license that covers the new stake, holding a 50 percent stake.
3. Centrica will pay 144m for its stake plus its stake in Luminus.
4. Gazprom holds a 10 percent stake in UES and a controlling stake in Mosenergo.
5. ConocoPhillips has a 20 percent stake in LUKoil. (Bloomberg) Power Machines Stake Sale?