Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για frogmouth
1. The tawny frogmouth is very much a family bird, as the picture suggests.
2. And when it comes to taking a picture of the Australian bird known as the tawny frogmouth it‘s almost impossible.
3. Scroll down for more ... Which makes this photo all the more remarkable – a mother tawny frogmouth, nestling behind her two youngsters, all staring straight into the camera like stuffed owls in the middle of the day.
4. We failed on only two counts÷ We never spotted a tawny frogmouth, and we came up empty–handed in trying to meet Helen‘s request for a fresh pineapple from their favorite roadside stand.
5. Their cry, when a baby bird loses its parents or fledglings leave home for the first time, is, she says, a "gut–wrenching whimper – the closest to crying in an animal that I have yet heard." In her new book, "Tawny Frogmouth", published by Australia‘s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Resarch Organisation (CSIRO) and expected to go on sale in the UK soon, she says the bird is a great help to humans.