Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για with spelling mistakes
1. Most of the cement benches are "adorned" with ugly and blatant graffiti, rife with spelling mistakes.
2. Alas, those facts willcomeasnosurprise to parents used to school reports written in impenetrable jargon, riddled with spelling mistakes and misplaced apostrophes.
3. No "computer for every child" program will succeed if the hand that moves the mouse can only type a few words, with spelling mistakes and no comprehension.
4. Simon Perry, managing director of Hyperion, said: "What has happened is the equivalent of finding a new Shakespeare play with spelling mistakes and other minor errors.
5. At the same time, he‘s still reeling from wrongs done him by the prestigious accounting firm that once employed him, even as he finds himself increasingly a misfit in an England now populated by immigrants and people who chat on the Internet (a device which is no more than "a moronic inferno, with spelling mistakes," as far as Charles is concerned). He views his wife as an irritating, alien presence. (He describes her as a solid woman, "filled with middle–aged substances of mysterious origin.") But neither does he receive much solace from an encounter with Jo, a former paramour, whom he finds "seems to have joined the army of anonymous disappointed women." Daphne, meanwhile, refuses to let go of hope.