Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για ODIUM
1. The Rubins are puzzled by this constant and continuous odium.
2. In Japan, where the consumer finance industry is reeling from a recent scandal, the public‘s odium has been reserved for a small white lap dog.
3. Flatters added÷ ‘In five years‘ time will giving a Christmas box of chocolates attract the same odium as giving a pack of 200 cigarettes once did?
4. It‘s a rum thing that these amiable, very near relatives of Labour excite such pungent odium among the Labour tribes, who treat them as opportunistic pariahs, jackals scavenging in political no man‘s land.
5. The vast majority of these people want nothing more than the American dream of working hard, making money, spending money, educating their kids, and living in peace and protection from the odium of governments that are not free.