acabar - έννοια, ορισμός, μετάφραση, προφορά
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acabar (πορτογαλικά) - έννοια, ορισμός, μετάφραση, προφορά

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription



The word "acabar" in Portuguese can have several meanings depending on the context: 1. To finish or end something. 2. To complete or conclude a task. 3. To run out of something. 4. To kill or destroy. 5. To consume food or drink completely.

"Acabar" is a very common verb in Portuguese, used in both oral and written contexts. It is highly versatile and can be found in various types of sentences.

Verb Forms


  1. Vou acabar de ler este livro. Θα τελειώσω να διαβάζω αυτό το βιβλίο.

  2. Acabei de comer. Μόλις τελείωσα να φάω.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Acabar" is often used in idiomatic expressions in Portuguese: 1. Acabar em pizza Meaning: To end up with no consequences. Greek Translation: Να καταλήξει σε τίποτα.

  1. Acabar na trave Meaning: To come very close to achieving something. Greek Translation: Να έρθει πολύ κοντά στο να επιτύχει κάτι.

  2. Acabar em água de bacalhau Meaning: To not come to fruition or to not happen. Greek Translation: Να μην υλοποιηθεί κάτι.

  3. Fim dos tempos Meaning: The end of times. Greek Translation: Το τέλος των καιρών.

  4. Acabar de uma vez por todas Meaning: To finish something permanently and definitively. Greek Translation: Να τελειώσει κάτι μια για πάντα.


The word "acabar" comes from the Latin word "accapare" which means "to appropriate."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Terminar - Concluir - Encerrar

Antonyms: - Começar - Iniciar - Continuar