Examples of use of A Common Faith
1. Both recipients of divine revelations share common principles and a common faith.
2. "I don‘t presume that you automatically support me because of a common faith," Huckabee told a group of more than 100 conservative pastors.
3. Ismoilov said Uzbekistan was proud of its multifaceted relationship with Pakistan, which based on a common faith, culture, history and shared values.
4. Indeed convergence on the basis of truth and a common faith is the more likely as it serves to reassure the Prophet so that he remains steadfast despite all the opposition and persecution he and his followers encounter.
5. The former Southern Baptist minister emphasized his opposition to abortion as he urged about 100 pastors in Grand Rapids to support him and use their address books and e–mail lists to mobilize others. I don‘t presume that you will support me because of a common faith,‘‘ Huckabee told them. I know that I have to earn that.