Charter city (economic development) - meaning and definition. What is Charter city (economic development)
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What (who) is Charter city (economic development) - definition

Charter city (economic development)         
A charter city is a type of city in which a guarantor from a developed country would create a city within a developing host country. The guarantor would administer the region, with the power to create their own laws, judiciary, and immigration policy outside of the control of the host country.
Charter city         
Chartered cities; Chartered city; Charter cities; Charter Law; Charter county
In the United States, a charter city is a city in which the governing system is defined by the city's own charter document rather than solely by general law. In states where city charters are allowed by law, a city can adopt or modify its organizing charter by decision of its administration by the way established in the charter.
National Economic Development Council         
National Economic Development Office; Little Neddy; Economic development committee
The National Economic Development Council (NEDC) was an economic planning forum set up in 1962 in the United Kingdom to bring together management, trades unions and government – a form of tripartism – in an attempt to address Britain's relative economic decline. It was supported by the National Economic Development Office (NEDO).


Charter city (economic development)
A charter city is a type of city in which a guarantor from a developed country would create a city within a developing host country. The guarantor would administer the region, with the power to create their own laws, judiciary, and immigration policy outside of the control of the host country.