Diego Pereda - meaning and definition. What is Diego Pereda
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What (who) is Diego Pereda - definition

Diego Pereda         
Diego Pereda (1574-1634) was a Roman Catholic prelate who served as Auxiliary Bishop of Toledo (1621–1634)."Bishop Diego Pereda, O.
Nicolás Pereda         
Nicolas Pereda
Nicolás Pereda (born 1982) is a Mexican-Canadian film director. To date, he has directed nine features and three short films.
Carlos Pereda         
Carlos Pereda Failache (Florida, Uruguay) is an Uruguayan/Mexican philosopher, emeritus researcher at UNAM's Institute for Philosophical Research. Pereda is the author of more than 50 articles, 10 books, and winner of the Siglo XXI Essay Prize, 2008, for his book Learnings from the Exile [Los aprendizajes del exilio].