Nursing Children and Young People - meaning and definition. What is Nursing Children and Young People
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What (who) is Nursing Children and Young People - definition

Nursing Children and Young People         
Paediatr Nurs; Paediatric Nursing; Paediatric Nursing (journal); Nurs Child Young People; Nurs. Child. Young People; Nursing Children & Young People; Paediatr. Nurs.
Nursing Children and Young People is a nursing journal covering the practice of pediatric nursing. The journal was established in 1989 as Paediatric Nursing, obtaining its current title in 2014, and is published by RCN Publishing.
Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland         
Children's Commissioner for Scotland; Scotland’s Commissioner for Children and Young People; SCCYP; Scotland's Commissioner for Children and Young People; Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland; CYPCS
The Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland is a post in Scotland whose main task is to promote and safeguard the rights of children and young people. The position, equivalent to the Children's Ombudsman agencies of many other countries, was established by the Commissioner for Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2003.
International Emergency Nursing         
Accident and Emergency Nursing; Accident and emergency nursing; International emergency nursing; Int. Emerg. Nurs.; Int Emerg Nurs; Accident & Emergency Nursing; Accident & emergency nursing
International Emergency Nursing is a peer-reviewed nursing journal covering emergency healthcare. It is published quarterly by Elsevier and is an official publication of the European Society of Emergency Nurses and the Faculty of Emergency Nursing.