Examples of use of War resister
1. He started wanting more from his life, though: school, which would mean applying for student loans and having people delve into his background, or even something as stupid as being on a reality show.‘‘ When Wilkerson decided to stop his life on the run, he heard that Sheehan‘s new site near Bush‘s Crawford ranch was a war resister refuge.‘‘ Sheehan protested for a month last summer near Bush‘s ranch, but she recently bought a 5–acre lot in town as a permanent site for vigils and as a clearinghouse for information about soldiers‘ rights to resist deployment to Iraq.
2. He started wanting more from his life, though: school, which would mean applying for student loans and having people delve into his background, or even "something as stupid as being on a reality show." When Wilkerson decided to stop his life on the run, he heard that Sheehan‘s new site near Bush‘s Crawford ranch was a "war resister refuge." Sheehan protested for a month last summer near Bush‘s ranch, but she recently bought a 5–acre lot in town as a permanent site for vigils and as a clearinghouse for information about soldiers‘ rights to resist deployment to Iraq.