erg - meaning and definition. What is erg
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What (who) is erg - definition


·noun The unit of work or energy in the C. G. S. system, being the amount of work done by a dyne working through a distance of one centimeter; the amount of energy expended in moving a body one centimeter against a force of one dyne. One foot pound is equal to 13,560,000 ergs.
The absolute or fundamental C. G. S. unit of work or energy. The work done or energy expended in moving a body through one centimeter against a resistance of one dyne.
erg1 [?:g]
¦ noun Physics a unit of work or energy, equal to the work done by a force of one dyne when its point of application moves one centimetre in the direction of action of the force.
C19: from Gk ergon 'work'.
erg2 [?:g]
¦ noun (plural ergs or areg '?:r?g) an area of shifting sand dunes in the Sahara.
C19: from Fr., from Arab. ?irk, ?erg.


Erg (disambiguation)

An erg is a unit of energy.

Erg, Ergs or ERG may also refer to:

Examples of use of erg
1. "This is a joint venture between the commission and the ERG," she said.
2. The ConocoPhillips plant restored power Monday, but it was unclear how many days the ERG plant would be shut down.
3. She has won the backing of the European regulators group (ERG), comprising the 25 national regulators, to apply stiff competition rules to the wholesale market.
4. ERG added 1.7 per cent to €20.40 after JP Morgan initiated the Italian energy group at "overweight" with a €23 price target.
5. Jorgen Abild Andersen, the chairman of the ERG, said÷ It is high time that we act on this to create more competition and benefits for the consumer.