ethnomusicology - meaning and definition. What is ethnomusicology
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What (who) is ethnomusicology - definition

Ethnomusicologist; Ethnomusicological; Comparative musicology; Ethnomusicologists; Ethno-musicology; Ethno-Musicology; Non-Western music; Music-ethnologist; Musical ethnology; Music ethnologist
  • [[Frances Densmore]] recording [[Blackfoot]] chief [[Mountain Chief]] for the [[Bureau of American Ethnology]] in 1916

¦ noun the study of the music of different cultures.
ethnomusicologic adjective
ethnomusicological adjective
ethnomusicologist noun
Medical ethnomusicology         
Medical Ethnomusicology
Medical ethnomusicology is a subfield of ethnomusicology, which according to UCLA professor Timothy Rice is "the study of how and why humans are musical." Medical ethnomusicology, similar to medical anthropology, uses music-making, musical sound, and noise to study human health, wellness, healing and disease prevention including, but not limited to, music as violence.
Fumio Koizumi Prize for Ethnomusicology         
Fumio Koizumi prize; Fumio Koizumi Prize for ethnomusicology; Fumio Koizumi Prize
The Fumio Koizumi Prize () is an international award for achievements in ethnomusicology, presented annually in Tokyo, Japan. The prize is awarded by the Fumio Koizumi (小泉文夫) Trust each April 4, the date of Fumio's birthday. List of publications of Koizumi Fumio The recipient receives an award certificate in addition to prize money. The winners must be present at the ceremony, deliver a prize lecture, and deliver another lecture at another Japanese university of his/her choice.



Ethnomusicology is the study of music from the cultural and social aspects of the people who make it. It encompasses distinct theoretical and methodical approaches that emphasize cultural, social, material, cognitive, biological, and other dimensions or contexts of musical behavior, in addition to the sound component. Within musical ethnography it is the first-hand personal study of musicking as known as the act of taking part in a musical performance.

Folklorists, who began preserving and studying folklore music in Europe and the US in the 19th century, are considered the precursors of the field prior to the Second World War. The term ethnomusicology is said to have been coined by Jaap Kunst from the Greek words ἔθνος (ethnos, "nation") and μουσική (mousike, "music"), It is often defined as the anthropology or ethnography of music, or as musical anthropology. During its early development from comparative musicology in the 1950s, ethnomusicology was primarily oriented toward non-Western music, but for several decades it has included the study of all and any musics of the world (including Western art music and popular music) from anthropological, sociological and intercultural perspectives. Bruno Nettl once characterized ethnomusicology as a product of Western thinking, proclaiming that "ethnomusicology as western culture knows it is actually a western phenomenon"; in 1992, Jeff Todd Titon described it as the study of "people making music".

Examples of use of ethnomusicology
1. Geneva Smitherman did in the field of linguistics, Dr. (Eldon)ph [did] in the field of ethnomusicology, the field of music.
2. "I have six students right now that are doing Ph.D.s in ethnomusicology.'4; All of them have been through the ensemble," she said.
3. Now, what is true in the field of education, linguistics, ethnomusicology, marching bands, psychology and culture is also true in the field of homiletics, hermeneutics, biblical studies, black sacred music and black worship.
4. My first contact with Eno was in 1''6, when I wrote him a long letter care of Radio 3, not to tell him I was a fan of his music (I didn‘t mention it), nor to urge him to read my books (I hadn‘t yet published any), but to comment on some remarks he‘d made in a radio programme on ethnomusicology.
5. Charlotte Heth, former professor of ethnomusicology at UCLA and a former assistant director for public programs at the National Museum of the American Indian, said powwows provide a chance for Indians not familiar with their heritage to participate in the culture.