expression - meaning and definition. What is expression
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What (who) is expression - definition

Symbolic expression; Expressed; Expressing; Expression (disambiguation); Expressions; Expresses; Expresion; Expressions (disambiguation); Symbolic expressions; Expressions (album)

Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English.
The expression of ideas or feelings is the showing of them through words, actions, or artistic activities.
Laughter is one of the most infectious expressions of emotion...
...the rights of the individual to freedom of expression...
Her concern has now found expression in the new environmental protection act.
N-VAR: usu N of n
Your expression is the way that your face looks at a particular moment. It shows what you are thinking or feeling.
Levin sat there, an expression of sadness on his face...
N-VAR: usu with supp, oft poss N
Expression is the showing of feeling when you are acting, singing, or playing a musical instrument.
I don't sing perfectly in tune, but I think I put more expression into my lyrics than a lot of other singers do.
An expression is a word or phrase.
She spoke in a quiet voice but used remarkably coarse expressions.
1) a colloquial; common; elliptical; figurative; fixed; hackneyed, trite; idiomatic; technical expression
2) an angry; dead-pan; grave, serious; happy; intense; pained; pleasant; puzzled, quizzical; vacuous expression (she had a pained expression on her face)
·noun The representation of any quantity by its appropriate characters or signs.
II. Expression ·noun The act of declaring or signifying; declaration; utterance; as, an expression of the public will.
III. Expression ·noun That which is expressed by a countenance, a posture, a work of art, ·etc.; look, as indicative of thought or feeling.
IV. Expression ·noun A form of words in which an idea or sentiment is conveyed; a mode of speech; a phrase; as, a common expression; an odd expression.
V. Expression ·noun The act of expressing; the act of forcing out by pressure; as, the expression of juices or oils; also, of extorting or eliciting; as, a forcible expression of truth.
VI. Expression ·noun Lively or vivid representation of meaning, sentiment, or feeling, ·etc.; significant and impressive indication, whether by language, appearance, or gesture; that manner or style which gives life and suggestive force to ideas and sentiments; as, he reads with expression; her performance on the piano has expression.



Expression may refer to:

Examples of use of expression
1. "I don‘t want to use this expression, but you have an expression," he said.
2. The response to an expression must be another expression and great tolerance even when confronting intolerance.
3. Evil expression Their most evil expression of powerlessness being terrorist attacks against civilian targets.
4. "We are worried because this can have consequences for the exercise of free expression." Free expression is exercised in Venezuela.
5. So this is not an expression of honest outrage, its an expression of the Syrian governments policy.