shop-floor - meaning and definition. What is shop-floor
Online Dictionary

What (who) is shop-floor - definition

Gymnastics floor; Floor exercise; Floor Exercise; Spring floor
  • [[Jade Barbosa]] performing on floor at the [[2016 Summer Olympics]]
  • Young rhythmic gymnast in floor exercises
  • [[Nadia Comăneci]] on floor at the [[1976 Summer Olympics]]

Floor (gymnastics)         
In gymnastics, the floor is a specially prepared exercise surface, which is considered an apparatus. It is used by both male and female gymnasts.
Earthen floor         
Earthen Floor; Dirt floor
An earthen floor, also called an adobe floor, is a floor made of dirt, raw earth, or other unworked ground materials. It is usually constructed, in modern times, with a mixture of sand, finely chopped straw and clay, mixed to a thickened consistency and spread with a trowel on a sub-surface such as concrete.


Floor (gymnastics)

In gymnastics, the floor is a specially prepared exercise surface, which is considered an apparatus. It is used by both male and female gymnasts. The gymnastics event performed on the floor is called floor exercise. The English abbreviation for the event in gymnastics scoring is FX.

A spring floor is used in all of gymnastics to provide more bounce, and also help prevent potential injuries to lower extremity joints of gymnasts due to the nature of the apparatus, which includes the repeated pounding required to train it. Cheerleading also uses spring floors for practice. The sprung floor used for indoor athletics, however, is designed to reduce bounce.

Pronunciation examples for shop-floor
1. and shop floor politics,
2. So from design, from a sketch, to on shop floor,
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3. United States. I was on every shop floor, as an example. I met with every salesperson
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4. and you're on your own on the shop floor, and the woman
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5. So by the time it's the shop floor, we're a bit like,
In My Shoes - A Memoir _ Tamara Mellon _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of shop-floor
1. Morale is rock bottom amongst the shop floor level Civil Servants almost across the board.
2. It was a remarkable record for a man who had never worked on the shop floor.
3. FICCI will rope in many of its members for providing the ITI students shop floor training.
4. A Segway electric scooter shares an expansive shop floor with segments of rocket bodies.
5. The traditional route has been through buying, or working on the shop floor.