Examples of use of stamen
1. Stamen, who didn‘t finish his work on that Saturday night until after 2 a.m.
2. Stamen," or "Phil O‘Dendron." "If authorities come by, there‘s no leader," he yelled as his fellow gardeners dispersed over the median.
3. Former prime minister Ariel Sharon was an etrog at the time of the disengagement, although his etrog was faulty at both the stem end and the stamen.
4. Thanks to a similar scientific principle, the bunchberry‘s stamen tosses pollen grains 10 times as high as a tiny flower can.
5. One acrylic–on–canvas work titled Tulip Butts‘‘ shows the red imprint of a backside representing the open petals of a tulip with an imprint between them from an adjacent body part that represents a flower‘s stamen.