Examples of use of unlooked for
1. Astonishing, unlooked–for, this eruption of beauty, so perfect in its meaninglessness.
2. She had foiled me then and thought her victory was permanent – I went to the college where she hoped I would go, I became a novelist as she hoped I would, and I had had unlooked–for, vindicating success.
3. But then I get pulled up short, in this case through reading a rave review of his new novel Shalimar the Clown in an American magazine÷ "One of the first people we meet – the brawny ‘super‘ of an apartment building – is matter–of–factly described as ‘the last surviving descendant of the legendary potato witches of Astrakhan‘. That this mighty maternal figure also speaks a Yiddish patois is an unlooked–for bonus." At this point I give a somewhat weary sigh, and pick up the new Julian Barnes novel.