alpha-numeric plaintext - translation to russian
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alpha-numeric plaintext - translation to russian

Plaintext-awareness; Plaintext aware; Plaintext awareness

alpha-numeric plaintext      
буквенно-цифровой открытый текст
atlas grid         
буквенно-цифровая сетка координат
atlas grid         

строительное дело

буквенно-цифровая сетка координат


Бальмера серия
(по имени швейцарского учёного И. Я. Бальмера, J. J. Balmer, 1825-98)

спектральная серия (См. Спектральные серии) атома водорода, линии которой расположены в видимой и близкой к ультрафиолетовой области его спектра (см. также Атомные спектры).


Plaintext-aware encryption

Plaintext-awareness is a notion of security for public-key encryption. A cryptosystem is plaintext-aware if it is difficult for any efficient algorithm to come up with a valid ciphertext without being aware of the corresponding plaintext.

From a lay point of view, this is a strange property. Normally, a ciphertext is computed by encrypting a plaintext. If a ciphertext is created this way, its creator would be aware, in some sense, of the plaintext. However, many cryptosystems are not plaintext-aware. As an example, consider the RSA cryptosystem without padding. In the RSA cryptosystem, plaintexts and ciphertexts are both values modulo N (the modulus). Therefore, RSA is not plaintext aware: one way of generating a ciphertext without knowing the plaintext is to simply choose a random number modulo N.

In fact, plaintext-awareness is a very strong property. Any cryptosystem that is semantically secure and is plaintext-aware is actually secure against a chosen-ciphertext attack, since any adversary that chooses ciphertexts would already know the plaintexts associated with them.

What is the Russian for alpha-numeric plaintext? Translation of &#39alpha-numeric plaintext&#39 to R