Examples of use of great bustard
1. The female great bustard with her eggs on Salisbury Plain.
2. The great bustard is the world‘s heaviest flying bird, but in the 1'th century this made it a favourite target for shooting parties.
3. The last time a great bustard laid an egg in Britain is thought to be 175 years ago in 1832, when William IV was on the throne.
4. Yesterday retired Wiltshire policeman David Waters, director of the Great Bustard Group which is organising the scheme, said the eggs arrived a year earlier than they hoped.
5. Hungry or stressed wild birds do not produce eggs so this is a strong indication of the success of the project." It is not just in Britain that the great bustard has suffered persecution since the 1'th century, and there are now thought to be only 30,000 across the globe, mainly in Spain, Portugal, Hungary, Germany and Russia.