www jpeg org - translation to English
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www jpeg org - translation to English

JPG; Jpeg; Jpg; JPEG file format; .JPEG; .JPG; .jpg; JPEG Image; .jpeg; .jpe; Interlaced JPEG; JPE file; PJPEG; JPIG; Jaypeg; Image/jpeg; Minimum Coded Unit; ISO 10918-1; JPEG Interchange Format; Minimum coded unit; JPEG encoding; JPEG file; JPG file; JPEG image; T.81; Data compression/JPEG; .mpo; JPEG Stereo; Progressive JPEG; PJPG; P JPG; Multi-Picture Format; .jps; JPEG Stereoscopic; Still Picture Interchange File Format; .jif; JPEG film; JPEG format; JPEG compression; JPEG photo; JPEG picture; JPEG photograph; JPEG pic; JPEG pix; .pjp; .pjpeg; .jfi; .JFI; .PJPEG; .PJP; .JPE; .JIF; JPEG 1; JPEG-1; T.83; T.84; T.86; T.872; T.873
  • Continuously varied JPEG compression (between Q=100 and Q=1) for an [[abdominal]] [[CT scan]]
  • The DCT transforms an 8×8 block of input values to a [[linear combination]] of these 64 patterns. The patterns are referred to as the two-dimensional DCT ''basis functions'', and the output values are referred to as ''transform coefficients''. The horizontal index is <math>u</math> and the vertical index is <math>v</math>.
  • 200px
  • Zigzag ordering of JPEG image components
  • 120px
  • 120px
  • 120px
  • 120px
  • 120px
  • The 8×8 sub-image shown in 8-bit grayscale
  • ''Baseline sequential'' JPEG encoding and decoding processes
  • An example of a stereoscopic .JPS file
  • The compressed 8×8 squares are visible in the scaled-up picture, together with other visual artifacts of the [[lossy compression]].
  • The original image
  • This image shows the pixels that are different between a non-compressed image and the same image JPEG compressed with a quality setting of 50. Darker means a larger difference. Note especially the changes occurring near sharp edges and having a block-like shape.
  • 100px
  • 100px
  • 100px
  • 100px
  • Visual impact of a jpeg compression on Photoshop on a picture of 4480x4480 pixels


общая лексика


файл, сжатый JPEG

графический файл в формате JPEG


общая лексика

(Joint Photographic Experts Group) Объединенная группа экспертов по машинной обработке фотографических изображений, группа JPEG

(произносится "джейпег") рабочая группа по стандартам цифровых видео- и мультипликационных изображений

алгоритм сжатия неподвижного изображения, алгоритм [стандарт] JPEG

стандарт на сжатие с потерями полноцветных неподвижных видеоизображений на основе алгоритма DCT с коэффициентом сжатия данных более 25:1, разработанный группой JPEG. Обрабатываются с использованием целочисленной арифметики непересекающиеся блоки изображения 8x8 пикселов. Этот алгоритм нельзя применять к чёрно-белым изображениям

формат JPEG

формат хранения сжатых алгоритмом JPEG графических файлов. Из-за потери качества при сжатии изображения неприменим в профессиональной допечатной подготовке (препрессе). Строго говоря, формат JPEG-файлов называется JFIF

Смотрите также

GIF; MPEG; www.jpeg.org

сокр. от Joint Photographic Experts Group 1) Объединенная экспертная группа по фотографии 2) алгоритм сжатия неподвижного изображения, разработанный этой группой



JPEG ( JAY-peg, short for Joint Photographic Experts Group) is a commonly used method of lossy compression for digital images, particularly for those images produced by digital photography. The degree of compression can be adjusted, allowing a selectable tradeoff between storage size and image quality. JPEG typically achieves 10:1 compression with little perceptible loss in image quality. Since its introduction in 1992, JPEG has been the most widely used image compression standard in the world, and the most widely used digital image format, with several billion JPEG images produced every day as of 2015.

The term "JPEG" is an acronym for the Joint Photographic Experts Group, which created the standard in 1992. JPEG was largely responsible for the proliferation of digital images and digital photos across the Internet and later social media.

JPEG compression is used in a number of image file formats. JPEG/Exif is the most common image format used by digital cameras and other photographic image capture devices; along with JPEG/JFIF, it is the most common format for storing and transmitting photographic images on the World Wide Web. These format variations are often not distinguished and are simply called JPEG.

The MIME media type for JPEG is "image/jpeg," except in older Internet Explorer versions, which provide a MIME type of "image/pjpeg" when uploading JPEG images. JPEG files usually have a filename extension of "jpg" or "jpeg." JPEG/JFIF supports a maximum image size of 65,535×65,535 pixels, hence up to 4 gigapixels for an aspect ratio of 1:1. In 2000, the JPEG group introduced a format intended to be a successor, JPEG 2000, but it was unable to replace the original JPEG as the dominant image standard.

What is the Russian for .JPG? Translation of &#39.JPG&#39 to Russian