AI - translation to English
Online Dictionary

AI - translation to English

Ai; A.I.; A. I.; A I

Amnesty, Amnesty International (international human rights organization)
  • AI patent families for functional application categories and sub categories. [[Computer vision]] represents 49 percent of patent families related to a functional application in 2016.
  • The word "robot" itself was coined by [[Karel Čapek]] in his 1921 play ''[[R.U.R.]]'', the title standing for "Rossum's Universal Robots".
  • 2012}}
  • Silver [[didrachma]] from [[Crete]] depicting [[Talos]], an ancient mythical [[automaton]] with artificial intelligence
  • 275x275px
  • For this project of the artist Joseph Ayerle the AI had to learn the typical patterns in the colors and brushstrokes of Renaissance painter [[Raphael]]. The portrait shows the face of the actress [[Ornella Muti]], "painted" by AI in the style of Raphael.
  • 2014}}
  • left
  • particle swarm]] seeking the [[global minimum]]
  • Feature detection]] (pictured: [[edge detection]]) helps AI compose informative abstract structures out of raw data.
A. I.; AI (disambiguation); Ai (animal); A l; A-l; A-I; Ai (disambiguation); A.I; A.I Company; A.i.; Ai.; Ai (film); A.I. (disambiguation); A. I. (disambiguation)
  • AI patent families for functional application categories and sub categories. [[Computer vision]] represents 49 percent of patent families related to a functional application in 2016.
  • The word "robot" itself was coined by [[Karel Čapek]] in his 1921 play ''[[R.U.R.]]'', the title standing for "Rossum's Universal Robots".
  • 2012}}
  • Silver [[didrachma]] from [[Crete]] depicting [[Talos]], an ancient mythical [[automaton]] with artificial intelligence
  • 275x275px
  • For this project of the artist Joseph Ayerle the AI had to learn the typical patterns in the colors and brushstrokes of Renaissance painter [[Raphael]]. The portrait shows the face of the actress [[Ornella Muti]], "painted" by AI in the style of Raphael.
  • 2014}}
  • left
  • particle swarm]] seeking the [[global minimum]]
  • Feature detection]] (pictured: [[edge detection]]) helps AI compose informative abstract structures out of raw data.
AI; A.I.; Machine intelligence; AI implications; Artificially intelligent; Artificial Intelligence; The Artificial Intelligence; Artificial intelligence (AI); Artificial Intelligence (AI); Machine understanding; Aretificial intelligence; Artificial intelligences; The Theory of Artificial Intelligence; Artificial inteligence; Artifical Intelligence; Commonsense AI; AI Robotics; Artificial intellegence; Artificial intellect; Soft AI; AI scripting; Semi-AI; Semi AI; Simulated intelligence; Artificial Intelligence, a.i.; Artificial Intelligence Program; Artificially-intelligent; Cognitive system; Artificual intelligence; Ontology based approach; Pseudo intelligence; Cognitive simulation; Computational Rationality; Digital being; Digital Being; Artificial-intelligence; AI-D; Artificial intelligence for development; Artifical intelligence; Computer AI; Cognitive systems; Intelligent machine; A I; Artificial Intelligence.; Cognitive Systems; Machine thought; AI-based; Search and optimization; Dangers of artificial intelligence; Artificially intelligent beings; Machines that can think; Automotive artificial intelligence; AI in businss; Draft:Artificial Intelligence; Probabilistic AI; Probabilistic artificial intelligence; Tests of artificial intelligence; Probabilistic methods in artificial intelligence; AI software; Statistical methods in artificial intelligence; Search algorithms in artificial intelligence; Search problems in artificial intelligence; AI search problems; Probabilistic machine learning; Statistical AI; Artificial intelligence research; Artificial social intelligence; Perception in artificial intelligence; Artificial intelligence and diplomacy; Diplomacy and artificial intelligence; Artificial intelligence in warfare; AI research; Age of AI; Future of artificial intelligence
= basado en la inteligencia artificial
Ex: This article also examines the need for exposure to AI by all students in order to become familiar with capabilities and limitations of AI-based systems.



AI o Ai pueden hacer referencia a lo siguiente:

  • AI, Amnistía Internacional, ONG humanitaria que promueve los derechos humanos.
  • AI, Artificial Intelligence, inteligencia artificial, rama de la informática que investiga procesos que imiten la inteligencia de los seres vivos.
  • AI, Adobe Illustrator, aplicación en forma de taller de arte que trabaja sobre un tablero de dibujo.
    • .ai, extensión de los archivos de Adobe Illustrator.
  • AI, autoincompatibilidad, incapacidad de una planta hermafrodita para producir semillas.
  • AI, asociación de internautas de España.
  • .ai, dominio de nivel superior geográfico (ccTLD) correspondiente al archipiélago caribeño Anguila, colonia del Reino Unido.
  • AI, designación de IATA correspondiente a la empresa Air India.
  • , Bradypus tridactylus, perezoso americano.
  • Ai, río de 12 km de longitud, que cruza la ciudad de Kaohsiung en Taiwán.
  • Ai, pueblo del antiguo Israel.
Pronunciation examples for AI
1. Ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai!
Flight of the Navigator
2. AI ?
The Almighty Dollar _ Dharshini David _ Talks at Google
3. We go literally AI by AI by AI.
Prediction Machines - The Simple Economics of AI _ Avi Goldfarb & Ajay Agrawal _ Talks at Google
4. And in AI, particularly AI weapons systems,
Is The World Ready for The Age of AI _ Amir Husain _ Talks at Google
5. Specialized AI is different than generalized AI.
Whose Global Village _ Ramesh Srinivasan _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of AI
1. La AI recomienda también ponerse en contacto con la Policía.
2. A continuación, mozzarella en carozza, scialatielli ai gamberetti.
3. AI afirma que no recibe dinero de la Iglesia Por su parte, AI rebatió ayer las críticas de Martino alegando que la organización "no ha recibido nunca financiación del Vaticano o de organizaciones que dependan de la Iglesia Católica", según aseguró la sección italiana de AI a través de un comunicado.
4. Un intenso programa de actividades mantiene a Ai Ai entretenida a todas horas del día: un paseo después de desayunar, una sesión de música pop después de comer y gimnasia después de cenar, explicó uno de los cuidadores.
5. "El presidente de Colombia afirma que el paramilitarismo ya no existe, pero investigaciones de AI en los departamentos de Chocó, Arauca, Antioquia, Meta, Putumayo, nos dicen lo contrario", ha asegurado Esteban Beltrán, director de AI en España.