atribuido al autor - translation to English
Online Dictionary

atribuido al autor - translation to English

Cómic de autor; Comic de autor

atribuido al autor      
= author-attributed
Ex: In Precis the role operator (t) denotes author-attributed associations.
Al Jazeera         
  • [[Al Jazeera English]] newsroom, 2011
  • Al Jazeera Arabic building
  • [[Wadah Khanfar]], former Director General of [[Al Jazeera Media Network]]
AlJazeera; Al Dschasira; Al-Jazeera; AL Jazirah TV; Aljazeerah; Al Jezeera; Al-jezeera; Al-jazeera; Aljazira; Aljazirah; Al Jazeera TV; Al Jazeera Television; Al Jazeerah; Aljazeera Television; Al Jazera; Al jazeera;; Al Jazeera Presenters; Aljazera; الجزيرة; AI Jazeera; Al Jazeera's; Al Jazeera News; Al Jazeera (Arabic); Aljazeera; Al Jazeera footage; Al Jazeera Arabic; Aljazeera TV; Al-Jazeerah; Egypt: A Nation in Waiting (film); Al Jazzera; Al Jazeera Forum; Al Jazeera World
n. Al Jazeera, canal de TV en árabe y red de noticias en Doha (Qatar)
  • Afghan government]] in 1985
  • Al-Qaeda militant in [[Sahel]] armed with a [[Type 56 assault rifle]], 2012
  • [[Anwar al-Awlaki]]
  • Aftermath of the September 11 attacks
  • 25px
  • 23px
  • 23px
  • 23px
  • 23px
  • GSPC]]) area of operations
  • Pakistani journalist [[Hamid Mir]] interviewing [[Osama bin Laden]] in Afghanistan, 1997
  • alt=Bin Laden and Al-Zawahiri photographed in 2001
  • USS ''Cole'']] after the October 2000 attack
  • 23px
  • Nairobi embassy bombing]]
  • [[Khalid Sheikh Mohammed]] after his arrest in [[Rawalpindi]], Pakistan, in March 2003
  • [[Omar Abdel-Rahman]]
  • View of Osama bin Laden's compound in [[Abbottabad]], Pakistan, where he was killed on May 1, 2011
  • Istanbul, Turkey]]: November 15 and 20, 2003
  • date=October 25, 2012}}</ref>
  • [[Sayyid Qutb]], the Egyptian Islamic scholar and Jihadist theorist who inspired Al-Qaeda
  • Al-Shabaab]]}}
  • Controlled by [[al-Nusra Front]]}}
  • location=London}}</ref>
  • US troops in Afghanistan
  • Ansar al-Sharia]]}}
Al Qaida; Al Qaeda; Al Quaeda; Al-Quaida; Al-Queda; Al qaeda; El Qaida; El-Qaida; El-Qaeda; El Qaeda; El Quiada; El-Quiada; El-Kaida; El Kaida; Al-Kaida; Al Kaida; Al Kaeda; Al-Kaeda; El-Kaeda; El Kaeda; Al-Quida; Al Quida; Al Quada; Al-Quada; Al-Qa'ida; Al Qa'ida; World Islamic Front for Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders; Islamic Army for the Liberation of the Holy Places; Usama Bin Laden Network; Usama Bin Laden Organization; Islamic Salvation Foundation; The Group for the Preservation of the Holy Sites; El Queda; El-Queda; Al-Qaida Al-Jihad; Qaida Al-Jihad; Qaida al-Jihad; Qaeda al-Jihad; Qaeda Al-Jihad; Al Quaida; Al-Qaïda; Al Qaïda; Al-Qa'idah; Al Qa'idah; Al Qaidah; Al-Qaidah; Äl-Qaida; Äl Qaida; Al-Qa'eda; Al Qa'eda; Al-qaida; Al-Qaida; Al Queda; Al-qaeda; Al-Quaeda; Al'Qaeda; Alqaeda; The Secret Organization of al-Qaida in Europe; Al Qæda; Al-Qæda; Al-Qaedaism; Al-Qaedism; Al Qa’ida; World Islamic Front for Jihad Against the Jews and Crusaders; Al-Qa’ida; World Islamic Front; القاعدة; Islamic World Front for the Struggle against the Jews and the Crusaders; Qa'edat Al-Jihad; Al Qaeda Number Two; Al qida; Al-qida; Al-Qida; Al Qida; Al-Qa‘ida; Al quada; Al queda; Al- Qaeda; AL-QAEDA AL-SULBAH; Alqaida; Al-Qaid; Al-Q'aeda; Al queada; Al-Qa'edah; Al Qaeeda; Al qada; Al-qā‘idah; Qaedat al-Jihad; Al Qai'da; Alquaeda; Al Quieda; Al-qāʿidah; Al-Qaeda al-Askariya; Alternative theories of Al-Qaeda; Al Aaeda; Al-Qa`ida; Al-Qaʿida; Al-Qai'da; Al-Qaeda Organization in the Arabian Peninsula; Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan; History of Al-Qaeda; Ideology of Al-Qaeda; Criticism of Al-Qaeda; Allegations of Qatari support for Al-Qaeda; Financing for al-Qaeda; Alcaida; Al Kida; Al-Kida; Alkida
= al-Qaeda
Ex: Iran is trying to form an unholy alliance with al-Qaeda by grooming a new generation of leaders to take over from Osama bin Laden.


al vapor
loc. adv. fig. fam.
Con gran celeridad.


Historieta de autor

El cómic de autor fue un movimiento de vanguardia dentro de la historieta occidental de los años sesenta y setenta del siglo XX que defendía una concepción del historietista como autor completo, es decir, como un dibujante/guionista que no tuviese más cortapisas que su propio gusto. Estas historietas de vanguardia crearon, por otro lado, un sentimiento de grupo, con una serie de autores que quisieron renovar los lenguajes de la historieta y emplear sus códigos para contar historias o expresar sentimientos, emociones, contenidos... que antes consideraban fuera de su alcance.