Carolina cedar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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Carolina cedar (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/kærəˈliːnə ˈsiːdər/

Meaning and Usage

"Carolina cedar" commonly refers to the Chamaecyparis thyoides, also known as the Eastern arborvitae or Atlantic white cedar. It is a coniferous tree native to the eastern United States and is known for its durability and resistance to decay, making it a popular choice for outdoor applications, such as fencing and shingles. In the English language, "Carolina cedar" is typically used in botanical and ecological contexts, but it can also appear in discussions about landscaping and construction materials.

Frequency of use: - It is not one of the most commonly used terms but appears in specific contexts such as botany, ecology, and landscaping. - Usage is more commonly found in written contexts (e.g., articles, books) than in everyday oral speech.

Example Sentences

  1. The carpenter chose Carolina cedar for building the new patio because of its natural resistance to weathering.
    Кузнец выбрал каролинский кедр для строительства новой веранды из-за его естественной устойчивости к воздействию погоды.

  2. In the wetlands of North Carolina, the Carolina cedar thrives among other native plants.
    В болотах Северной Каролины каролинский кедр процветает среди других местных растений.

  3. The aroma of Carolina cedar is often described as refreshing and calming, which makes it popular in aromatherapy.
    Аромат каролинского кедра часто описывают как освежающий и успокаивающий, что делает его популярным в ароматерапии.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Carolina cedar" does not have many widely recognized idiomatic expressions associated with it, given its specific nature. However, there are related expressions in the context of trees or wood that can be elaborated:

  1. Barking up the wrong tree – This expression means to make a mistake in something.
    If you think Carolina cedar won't last long outdoors, you're barking up the wrong tree.
    (Если вы думаете, что каролинский кедр не прослужит долго на улице, вы ошибаетесь.)

  2. Can't see the wood for the trees – This means to be so involved in the details that you don't see the bigger picture.
    Sometimes, when selecting materials for a project, we can't see the wood for the trees, especially with options like Carolina cedar.
    (Иногда, выбирая материалы для проекта, мы не видим леса за деревьями, особенно с такими вариантами, как каролинский кедр.)

  3. A tree is known by its fruit – This means that a person's character can be judged by their actions.
    In landscaping, a garden with Carolina cedar illustrates that a tree is known by its fruit, showcasing quality choices.
    (В ландшафтном дизайне сад с каролинским кедром иллюстрирует, что дерево познается по плодам, демонстрируя качественный выбор.)


The term "Carolina cedar" derives from its geographic association with the Carolinas (a region in the United States) and the word "cedar," which refers to the coniferous trees in the family Cupressaceae. "Cedar" comes from the Latin "cedrus," which itself is derived from the Greek "kedros," referring to various types of aromatic junipers.

Synonyms and Antonyms

- Eastern arborvitae
- Atlantic white cedar

As "Carolina cedar" refers to a specific type of tree, it does not have direct antonyms. However, one might consider common non-durable woods (like pine) as alternatives to highlight differences in durability and suitability for outdoor use.
