"Lunokhod" refers to a series of unmanned lunar rovers that were developed and deployed by the Soviet Union between 1970 and 1973. The name translates to "moon walker" in Russian (Луноход). The term is used primarily in technical or historical contexts relating to space exploration and the history of lunar missions. It is not common in everyday conversation and is mostly confined to scientific discussions, history, and space exploration literature.
Translation: Лунный ход был первым подвижным ровером, приземлившимся на поверхность Луны.
The data collected by the Lunokhod provided valuable insights into the lunar environment.
Translation: Данные, собранные Луноходом, предоставили ценные сведения о лунной среде.
Many scientists consider the success of the Lunokhod missions to be a milestone in space exploration.
While "Lunokhod" itself is not commonly associated with many idiomatic expressions, its significance in the context of space exploration may occasionally encourage creative phrases or sayings linking exploration and discovery.
Translation: He always walks like a Lunokhod when it comes to making important decisions.
"Lunokhod mentality"
The term "Lunokhod" comes from the Russian words "луна" (luna), meaning "moon," and "ход" (khod), meaning "movement" or "walking." It reflects the purpose of the spacecraft, which was to explore the lunar surface.
In summary, "Lunokhod" represents an important historical achievement in space exploration, symbolizing human innovation and the quest for knowledge about the Moon.