"Machtpolitik" is a German term that translates to "power politics" in English. It describes a political practice where the exertion of power is prioritized over legal or moral considerations in international relations. This term is often used in political science and international relations contexts.
The frequency of use of "Machtpolitik" in English is relatively specialized, primarily found in academic writings and discussions about international relations or political theory. It is used more in written contexts due to its specific and scholarly connotation.
Example Sentences:
- German: Die Welt ist oft von Machtpolitik geprägt, anstatt von Zusammenarbeit und Diplomatie.
English: The world is often shaped by power politics rather than cooperation and diplomacy.
German: Historiker analysieren die Rolle von Machtpolitik im Ersten Weltkrieg.
English: Historians analyze the role of power politics in World War I.
German: Machtpolitik kann zu Spannungen zwischen Nationen führen.
English: Power politics can lead to tensions between nations.
While "Machtpolitik" itself isn't commonly used in idiomatic expressions in English, the concept of power politics appears in various phrases related to the exercise and manipulation of power. Below are some examples of idiomatic usage in this context:
English: He believes that might makes right in the world of Machtpolitik.
Translation: Er glaubt, dass Macht Recht schafft in der Welt der Machtpolitik.
English: In a world of Machtpolitik, alliances are often formed out of necessity rather than trust.
Translation: In einer Welt der Machtpolitik werden Allianzen oft aus Notwendigkeit und nicht aus Vertrauen gebildet.
English: The rise of Machtpolitik may threaten global stability.
Translation: Der Aufstieg der Machtpolitik könnte die globale Stabilität gefährden.
"Machtpolitik" is derived from the German words "Macht," meaning "power," and "Politik," meaning "politics." The term began to gain popularity in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, particularly in discussions of Realpolitik and the strategic maneuvers of European powers.
This comprehensive understanding of "Machtpolitik" provides insights into its significance, usage, and contextual relevance in political discourse.