Montezuma quail - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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Montezuma quail (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/mɒn.təˈzuː.mə/ /kwɛɪl/

Meaning and Usage

The term "Montezuma quail" refers to a species of quail known scientifically as Cyrtonyx montezumae. This bird is native to Mexico and the southwestern United States. It is characterized by its distinctive plumage, including a striking pattern of browns, whites, and blacks. The Montezuma quail is often found in dense brushlands and is known for its secretive nature, making it challenging to spot in the wild.

This term is primarily used in ornithology and discussions about wildlife. The frequency of use is relatively low in general conversation but may be more common among bird watchers, ornithologists, and individuals interested in outdoor activities. It tends to be more prevalent in written contexts, such as wildlife reports and scientific literature.

Example Sentences

  1. The Montezuma quail is a beautiful bird that can be difficult to spot in the wild.
    Монтическая перепелка — это красивая птица, которую бывает трудно заметить в дикой природе.

  2. During our trip to Arizona, we were thrilled to finally see a Montezuma quail in its natural habitat.
    Во время нашей поездки в Аризону мы были в восторге, что наконец увидели монтическую перепелку в ее естественной среде обитания.

  3. The Montezuma quail prefers to live in areas with dense vegetation and plenty of cover.
    Монтическая перепелка предпочитает жить в районах с густой растительностью и достаточным укрытием.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "Montezuma quail" does not have widely recognized idiomatic expressions associated with it, the concept of "Montezuma" can evoke connections to the famous Aztec ruler Montezuma II. In popular culture, "Montezuma's revenge" is a common idiom that refers to traveler's diarrhea, especially when associated with consuming unfamiliar food or water in Mexico.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. After eating street food in Mexico, I suffered from Montezuma's revenge for days.
    После того как поел уличной еды в Мексике, я несколько дней страдал от мести Монтезумы.

  2. Don’t drink the water there; you don’t want to experience Montezuma’s revenge.
    Не пей воду там; ты не хочешь испытать месть Монтезумы.

  3. The locals warned us about Montezuma's revenge, so we brought our own water supply.
    Местные жители предупредили нас о мести Монтезумы, поэтому мы принесли запасы воды с собой.


The Montezuma quail is named after the famous Aztec emperor Montezuma II, who ruled during the 16th century. The association likely stems from the species' native region and the historical significance of the Aztec civilization in Mexico.

Synonyms and Antonyms

In summary, the term "Montezuma quail" is specific to a unique bird species and is used primarily in scientific and ornithological contexts. While it doesn't have notable idioms, its namesake, Montezuma, appears in expressions related to travel and health.
