SNAFU - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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SNAFU (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

SNAFU is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Meaning and Usage

SNAFU is an acronym that originated in the military context, standing for "Situation Normal: All Fouled Up." It commonly denotes a situation that is confused or problematic, although it might be considered normal in that context. The term is frequently used in both oral and written communication, especially in informal settings. It implies chaos or disorder but carries a somewhat humorous or sarcastic tone.

Example Sentences

  1. The project's delay was a complete SNAFU, leaving everyone frustrated.
  2. Дела с проектом пошли наперекосяк, и все были расстроены.

  3. After the server crash, the IT department declared it a SNAFU and started troubleshooting.

  4. После сбоя сервера IT-отдел объявил это неразберихой и начал устранять неполадки.

  5. The meeting turned into a SNAFU when conflicting agendas caused chaos.

  6. Встреча превратилась в неразбериху, когда противоречивые повестки дня вызвали хаос.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although SNAFU itself is not commonly combined in many idiomatic expressions, it represents a general theme of chaotic situations. Here are a few phrases that convey similar sentiments:

  1. All SNAFU and no action
  2. Everyone was excited about the project, but it's now all SNAFU and no action.
  3. Все были взволнованы проектом, но теперь это только неразбериха и никаких действий.

  4. When the SNAFU hits the fan

  5. You know there's going to be trouble when the SNAFU hits the fan during a meeting.
  6. Ты знаешь, что возникнут проблемы, когда все пойдет наперекосяк на собрании.

  7. Caught in a SNAFU

  8. The team was caught in a SNAFU after the sudden change in management.
  9. Команда оказалась в неразберихе после внезапной смены руководства.

  10. Make a SNAFU out of something

  11. They managed to make a SNAFU out of the simplest task.
  12. Им удалось сделать неразбериху из самой простой задачи.


The term "SNAFU" emerged in the U.S. Army during World War II. It originally reflected the chaotic nature of military operations and quickly entered broader usage. The informal nature of the acronym and its humorous tone contributed to its adoption in civilian language.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: Mess, confusion, disaster, boondoggle, fiasco
Antonyms: Order, clarity, success, coherence, organization
