absolute deformation - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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absolute deformation (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/ˈæb.sə.lut dɪˈfɔːr.meɪ.ʃən/

Meaning and Usage

Absolute deformation refers to the total amount of distortion experienced by a material body in response to applied forces, measured from its original shape or dimensions. It encompasses all forms of deformation, including elongation, compression, twisting, or bending, which occur without regard to the position of the material in space. This term is often used in engineering, material science, and physics.

Frequency of Use: The term "absolute deformation" is more common in written contexts, particularly in scientific literature, textbooks, and technical documentation. It is less frequently encountered in everyday spoken conversation.

Example Sentences

  1. In engineering applications, understanding absolute deformation is crucial when designing structures to endure heavy loads.
    Translation: En las aplicaciones de ingeniería, comprender la deformación absoluta es crucial al diseñar estructuras para soportar cargas pesadas.

  2. The absolute deformation measured during the experiment showed significant variation due to temperature changes.
    Translation: La deformación absoluta medida durante el experimento mostró una variación significativa debido a los cambios de temperatura.

  3. Engineers must calculate absolute deformation when assessing the lifespan of structural materials.
    Translation: Los ingenieros deben calcular la deformación absoluta al evaluar la vida útil de los materiales estructurales.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "absolute deformation" does not typically appear in idiomatic expressions, the concept of "deformation" itself can be integral in expressions related to structural integrity or stress testing in engineering contexts.

Related Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. The bridge was engineered to withstand a lot of stress; it won't just buckle under pressure.
    Translation: El puente fue diseñado para soportar mucho estrés; no se doblará bajo presión.

  2. The old building stood the test of time, showing no signs of structural deformation.
    Translation: El viejo edificio superó la prueba del tiempo, mostrando ningún signo de deformación estructural.

  3. When the earthquake hit, the foundation did not fail, demonstrating its resilience against deformation.
    Translation: Cuando ocurrió el terremoto, la fundación no falló, demostrando su resistencia contra la deformación.

  4. In physics, when materials are strained, they reveal their true nature, often revealing unexpected deformation behaviors.
    Translation: En física, cuando los materiales son tensados, revelan su verdadera naturaleza, a menudo mostrando comportamientos de deformación inesperados.


The term "absolute" originates from the Latin "absolutus," meaning "unrestricted" or "complete." The word "deformation" is derived from the Latin "deformatio," which means "to shape or form differently." Thus, "absolute deformation" essentially conveys the complete alteration in shape of an object.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: total distortion, complete deformation, overall change in shape
Antonyms: stability, equilibrium, unchanged state
