acanthosis - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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acanthosis (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Meaning and Usage

Acanthosis refers to a thickening of the stratum corneum of the skin, often indicated by a velvety appearance, and is typically associated with certain medical conditions, particularly insulin resistance. It is a term commonly used in dermatology and medical contexts.

Frequency of Use

The term "acanthosis" is primarily used in written medical literature and reports. It is less common in everyday conversation but appears frequently in clinical discussions concerning skin diseases, obesity, and metabolic syndrome.

Example Sentences

  1. The patient was diagnosed with acanthosis after showing changes in skin texture around the neck.
  2. Пациент был диагностирован с акантозом после изменений текстуры кожи вокруг шеи.

  3. A physical examination revealed areas of acanthosis in the patient's armpits.

  4. Физикальное обследование выявило области акантоза у пациента в подмышках.

  5. The presence of acanthosis in children is often a sign of insulin resistance.

  6. Наличие акантоза у детей часто является признаком инсулинорезистентности.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "acanthosis" itself is a technical term and does not frequently appear in idiomatic expressions, it is sometimes used in medical discussions that highlight skin conditions or metabolic abnormalities. Here are some sentences incorporating medical idioms and phrases related to skin and health:

  1. The doctor said that the rise in acanthosis cases could indicate a hidden epidemic of obesity among the youth.
  2. Врач сказал, что рост случаев акантоза может указывать на скрытую эпидемию ожирения среди молодежи.

  3. Seeing acanthosis in a patient often leads to taking a closer look at their lifestyle choices.

  4. Наблюдение акантоза у пациента часто приводит к более внимательному изучению их образа жизни.

  5. Discovering acanthosis in a routine check-up can be like finding a needle in a haystack when assessing overall health.

  6. Обнаружение акантоза при рутинном осмотре может быть как найти иголку в сене при оценке общего состояния здоровья.


The term "acanthosis" derives from the Greek word "akantha," meaning "thorn" and the suffix "-osis," which denotes a condition or process. This reflects the thorn-like appearance of the affected skin due to thickening.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview of acanthosis provides a detailed insight into its definition, usage, idiomatic expressions, and more, shedding light on its relevance in the medical field.
