acute glossitis - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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acute glossitis (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Acute glossitis" is a noun phrase.

Phonetic Transcription

/əˈkjuːt ˈɡlɒsɪtɪs/

Meaning and Usage

Acute glossitis refers to the sudden inflammation of the tongue, characterized by swelling, redness, and pain in the affected area. The condition can arise due to various causes such as infections, allergies, nutritional deficiencies, or irritants.

It is commonly used in medical literature and discussions, particularly in contexts relating to dentistry and healthcare. It may not be frequently encountered in everyday conversation but is significant in clinical settings.

Example Sentences: 1. "The patient was diagnosed with acute glossitis after presenting symptoms of a swollen tongue."
Пациенту был поставлен диагноз "острый глоссит" после появления симптомов отека языка.

  1. "The doctor advised the patient to avoid certain foods to reduce the symptoms of acute glossitis."
    Врач посоветовал пациенту избегать определенных продуктов, чтобы уменьшить симптомы острого глоссита.

  2. "Acute glossitis may accompany other conditions like vitamin deficiencies or infections."
    Острый глоссит может сопровождать другие состояния, такие как дефицит витаминов или инфекции.

Idiomatic Expressions

The phrase "acute glossitis" itself does not lend itself well to common idiomatic expressions in contemporary English. Instead, one might encounter general expressions related to health or tongue issues. Here are a few:

  1. "Bite your tongue before you speak."
    Кусай язык, прежде чем говорить.
    (Be careful with what you say, especially if it may hurt others.)

  2. "It's like pulling teeth."
    Это словно вырывать зубы.
    (Referring to something that is very difficult or unpleasant.)

  3. "The words stuck in my throat."
    Слова застряли у меня в горле.
    (Referring to being unable to speak or express oneself.)

  4. "To tongue-tie someone."
    Заставить кого-то запутаться в своих словах.
    (To confuse or stutter someone to the point they cannot express themselves well.)


The term "glossitis" derives from Latin "glossa," meaning "tongue," adapted from Ancient Greek "γλῶσσα" (glōssa), with "-itis" indicating inflammation or disease, as commonly used in medical terminology.

Synonyms and Antonyms

- Tongue inflammation
- Glossal inflammation

- Healthy tongue
- Tongue health

In summary, acute glossitis is a medical term denoting a specific inflammatory condition of the tongue, primarily relevant in clinical dialogues and less common in everyday conversation.
