The term "addity-from-sample" appears to be a combination of technical or domain-specific jargon rather than a standard English word. As such, it currently does not align with conventional parts of speech (noun, verb, adjective, etc.). If "addity" is a misspelling or a variation of "addity," please clarify.
Phonetic transcription for "addity-from-sample" cannot be accurately provided due to its non-standard character. However, "addity" could be approximated as /ˈædɪti/ if we assume it's a noun.
"Addity-from-sample" does not have a widely recognized meaning or usage in the English language. It may refer to a specific process or function in a particular field (such as data processing, statistical analysis, or software development). Its frequency of use would mainly depend on the context and the technical audience involved.
Given the unclear nature of the term, here are hypothetical sentences constructed for illustrative purposes:
Процесс addity-from-sample был необходим для получения точных результатов в этом исследовании.
"In our experiment, we implemented an addity-from-sample technique to analyze the data."
В нашем эксперименте мы применили технику addity-from-sample для анализа данных.
"Understanding the addity-from-sample variable is critical for our research."
Since "addity-from-sample" is unlikely to have idiomatic expressions associated with it due to its specialized nature, let us consider idiomatic expressions that relate to "adding" in a more general context. Here are some examples:
Давайте подольем масло в огонь, обсудив эту тему подробнее.
"You can't add two and two together if you don't have the right information."
Вы не можете сложить два и два, если у вас нет правильной информации.
"Adding insult to injury, he forgot my birthday."
Since "addity-from-sample" is not a standard term, a specific etymology cannot be provided. However, if we break down the word "addity," it can be linked to the root "add," which comes from the Latin "addere," meaning "to add to."
Given the ambiguity of "addity-from-sample," it does not have clear synonyms or antonyms. If you are referring to "adding," synonyms could include "combine," "join," or "include."
If "addity" has a specific context or meaning that you would like to clarify, please provide more details for a more tailored response.