aerotropism - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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aerotropism (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Meaning and Usage

Aerotropism refers to the growth or movement of an organism in response to the presence or direction of air or atmospheric conditions. It is a term commonly used in botany to describe how certain plant roots or shoots adjust their growth pattern depending on the air availability or oxygen concentration. The frequency of use of this term is relatively low and is more common in scientific literature than in everyday spoken English.

Example Sentences

  1. The plants exhibited aerotropism as their roots grew towards the area with the highest oxygen concentration.
    Las plantas mostraron aerotropismo a medida que sus raíces crecían hacia la zona con mayor concentración de oxígeno.

  2. Understanding aerotropism can help scientists develop new methods for cultivating crops in areas with poor air quality.
    Comprender el aerotropismo puede ayudar a los científicos a desarrollar nuevos métodos para cultivar cosechas en áreas con mala calidad del aire.

  3. Researchers have observed that some species display a significant degree of aerotropism, adapting their growth based on environmental conditions.
    Los investigadores han observado que algunas especies muestran un grado significativo de aerotropismo, adaptando su crecimiento según las condiciones ambientales.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "aerotropism" does not typically appear in common idiomatic expressions or phrases, the concept of responding to certain stimuli can be related to various idioms in English. Here are some examples that involve responsiveness or adaptation:

  1. Go with the flow
    Sometimes, it's better to go with the flow rather than resist changes in circumstances.
    A veces, es mejor dejarse llevar que resistir los cambios en las circunstancias.

  2. Bend over backwards
    She'll bend over backwards to accommodate everyone's needs during the project.
    Ella se esforzará al máximo para acomodar las necesidades de todos durante el proyecto.

  3. Adapt to the situation
    In a crisis, it’s essential to adapt to the situation quickly.
    En una crisis, es esencial adaptarse a la situación rápidamente.

  4. Roll with the punches
    In life, you have to roll with the punches and make the best of what you have.
    En la vida, debes aceptar los golpes y hacer lo mejor de lo que tienes.

  5. Change with the times
    Businesses must change with the times to remain competitive.
    Las empresas deben adaptarse a los tiempos para seguir siendo competitivas.


The term "aerotropism" is derived from Greek roots: "aero," meaning air, and "tropos," meaning turn or response. Thus, it literally translates to "turning in response to air." This term highlights the relationship between organisms and their atmospheric environment, emphasizing how air conditions can influence biological behavior.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This provides a comprehensive overview of the term "aerotropism," covering its etymology, meaning, examples, and its contextual usage within the English language.
