aleuronat - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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aleuronat (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Meaning and Usage

The term aleuronat refers specifically to a component of the aleurone layer of grains, consisting primarily of proteins. It plays a significant role in seed nutrition and is important for the growth and development of plants. This term is more commonly used in specialized contexts such as botany, agriculture, and food science rather than in everyday language.

Frequency of Use

Aleuronat is not a commonly used word in everyday conversation. It is more frequently found in academic papers, research presentations, and discussions about plant biology and nutrition.

Example Sentences

  1. The aleuronat in the seeds is crucial for providing the necessary nutrients for germination.
    Aleuronat dalam biji sangat penting untuk menyediakan nutrisi yang diperlukan untuk perkecambahan.

  2. Scientists have discovered that the presence of aleuronat can enhance the nutritional value of whole grains.
    Para ilmuwan telah menemukan bahwa keberadaan aleuronat dapat meningkatkan nilai gizi biji utuh.

  3. During the milling process, some of the valuable aleuronat layer is often removed, resulting in a decrease in nutritional benefits.
    Selama proses penggilingan, beberapa lapisan aleuronat yang berharga sering kali dihapus, mengakibatkan penurunan manfaat nutrisi.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although aleuronat is not frequently used in idiomatic expressions, it can be discussed contextually. Here are some related idiomatic expressions that touch on topics of nutrition or growth analogous to the concept behind aleuronat:

  1. "You reap what you sow."
    (What you invest in growth determines the outcome.)
    Apa yang Anda tanam dalam pertumbuhan menentukan hasilnya.

  2. "The root of the matter."
    (The fundamental issue or cause of something; could relate to nutritional components like aleuronat.)
    Inti dari masalahnya.

  3. "Hitting the ground running."
    (To begin something and be immediately successful. Aleuronat aids in the effective start of a seed's growth.)
    Memulai sesuatu dan langsung sukses.


The word aleuronat stems from the Greek word aleuron, which means “flour” or “meal,” referring to its nature as a protein-rich component of the grain or seed. The suffix -at indicates a specific compound or component, particularly in biological and botanical contexts.

Synonyms and Antonyms

In summary, aleuronat is a specialized noun related intimately to the fields of botany and nutrition that underscores its importance in plant growth and development.
