Verb phrase
/əˈlaɪn pʌnʧ kɑrdz/
The phrase "align punch cards" refers to the process of arranging punch cards in a proper order or alignment to ensure accurate reading and processing by a card reader or computer. Punch cards were used historically in data processing and computing, where holes punched in the cards represented data.
The usage of this phrase is more contextualized in written form, particularly in discussions regarding historical computing or programming techniques. Its frequency of use has diminished with the advent of modern technology but may still be encountered in specific contexts such as computing history.
We need to align punch cards properly before feeding them into the reader.
(Necesitamos alinear las tarjetas perforadas correctamente antes de introducirlas en el lector.)
If you don't align punch cards, the system won't read the data accurately.
(Si no alineas las tarjetas perforadas, el sistema no leerá los datos correctamente.)
The technician had to ensure that all the punch cards were aligned for the error-checking process.
(El técnico tuvo que asegurarse de que todas las tarjetas perforadas estuvieran alineadas para el proceso de verificación de errores.)
The phrase "align punch cards" does not have a wide range of idiomatic expressions associated with it, mainly due to its specific technical context. However, there are some related expressions in the realm of technology and data processing.
You need to get your ducks in a row before you align punch cards for processing.
(Necesitas tener todo en orden antes de alinear las tarjetas perforadas para el procesamiento.)
Don't let the data get out of sync when you align punch cards.
(No dejes que los datos se dessincronicen cuando alinees las tarjetas perforadas.)
It's essential to have a backup plan if the system fails while aligning punch cards.
(Es esencial tener un plan de respaldo si el sistema falla mientras alineas las tarjetas perforadas.)
Make sure you're on the same page when you align punch cards to avoid errors.
(Asegúrate de estar en la misma sintonía cuando alinees las tarjetas perforadas para evitar errores.)
You can't afford to cut corners when you align punch cards for a critical project.
(No puedes permitirte tomar atajos cuando alineas las tarjetas perforadas para un proyecto crítico.)
The term "align" comes from Middle French "aligner," which means to line up. "Punch cards" refers to cards with holes punched in them, used primarily in the early 20th century as a form of input for computers and as a mechanism for data storage.
Synonyms: - Arrange punch cards - Order punch cards - Align data cards
Antonyms: - Misalign punch cards - Disorganize punch cards - Scatter punch cards