Noun Phrase
/ˌæpəˈplɛktɪk ˈsɪnˌdroʊm/
Apoplectic syndrome refers to a condition that may involve symptoms resembling a stroke or severe neurological deficit, typically characterized by sudden onset of paralysis or loss of consciousness. It can also imply extreme anger or rage, though this usage is less common in formal medical terminology. The term is used predominantly in medical contexts, although it may occasionally appear in more general discussions related to emotions or behavior.
The phrase isn't highly frequent in general conversation but may be encountered in medical texts and discussions. It is more common in written contexts, particularly in academic settings.
У пациента синдром апоплексии вызвал беспокойство у медицинской команды о возможности инсульта.
After witnessing the shocking news, she was so furious that she exhibited symptoms akin to apoplectic syndrome.
После того, как она узнала шокирующую новость, она была такой яростью, что проявила симптомы, схожие с синдромом апоплексии.
The apoplectic syndrome can occur as a result of untreated hypertension or other cardiovascular issues.
Although “apoplectic syndrome” itself isn’t commonly featured in idiomatic expressions, variations of "apoplectic" do find usage in phrases about extreme anger.
Она была апоплектична от ярости, когда узнала о предательстве.
Turn apoplectic: He turned apoplectic upon hearing the unfair decision made by the committee.
Он стал апоплектичным, услышав несправедливое решение комитета.
Apoplexy of anger: The apoplexy of anger she felt was evident in her shaking hands.
Апоплексия гнева, которую она чувствовала, была очевидна по её дрожащим рукам.
Go apoplectic: If you keep talking during the movie, I'll go apoplectic!
The term apoplectic derives from the Greek word "apoplexia," which means a sudden and severe attack, traditionally referring to a stroke. The suffix "syndrome" comes from the Greek "sundromos," meaning "running together," referring to a collection of symptoms that occur together.
Synonyms: - Stroke-like symptoms - Rage - Fury
Antonyms: - Calm - Composure - Serenity
This comprehensive breakdown includes the part of speech, phonetic transcription, meanings, usage frequency, example sentences, idiomatic expressions, etymology, and synonyms/antonyms for “apoplectic syndrome.”