Frequency of Use: Commonly used both in oral speech and written contexts.
Viaduct (noun): A long elevated structure, typically consisting of a series of arches, carrying a road or railway over a valley or other obstacle.
(Поезд будет приближаться к виадуку, пока мы едем по сельской местности.)
When attempting to cross the river, we had to approach the viaduct carefully.
(При ведении переговоров всегда следует действовать осторожно.)
"Take a different approach": To consider a new method for handling a problem.
(После повторных неудач они решили использовать другой подход.)
"Approach the issue": To start discussing or handling a specific problem.
Approach (verb) Antonyms: Retreat, withdraw, leave.
Viaduct (noun) Synonyms: Bridge, aqueduct, overpass.