artifactual - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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artifactual (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Meaning and Usage

The adjective "artifactual" relates to artifacts, which are objects made or shaped by human beings that hold cultural or historical significance. It describes anything pertaining to or characteristic of an artifact. "Artifactual" is used mainly in academic, archaeological, and cultural contexts, and it appears more frequently in written form than in oral speech.

Frequency of Use

The term is somewhat specialized and is more commonly found in scholarly texts, research papers, and discussions related to archaeology, anthropology, and history rather than in everyday conversation.

Example Sentences

  1. The museum displayed several artifactual remnants from the ancient civilization.
  2. Музей представил несколько артефактов из древней цивилизации.

  3. The scholars debated the artifactual significance of the newly discovered relics.

  4. Ученые обсуждали артефактуальную значимость вновь обнаруженных реликвий.

  5. Her research focused on the artifactual evidence of trade routes in antiquity.

  6. Ее исследование сосредоточилось на артефактуальных доказательствах торговых путей в древности.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "artifactual" itself may not be included in many idiomatic expressions, it is often associated with terms related to history and anthropology. Here are some idiomatic phrases that include "artifact" and relevant variations:

  1. "Holding onto artifacts" - implying a reluctance to let go of the past.
  2. Держаться за артефакты - это значит не хотеть отпускать прошлое.

  3. "Artifacts of a bygone era" - referring to objects that remind one of an earlier time.

  4. Артефакты ушедшей эпохи напоминают о более раннем времени.

  5. "Uncovering historical artifacts" - discovering significant items from the past.

  6. Раскопки исторических артефактов приводят к находкам значимых предметов прошлого.

  7. "Preserving cultural artifacts" - the act of maintaining items of cultural heritage.

  8. Сохранение культурных артефактов - это акт поддержания объектов культурного наследия.

  9. "Artifact of civilization" - referring to items that represent the development of a society.

  10. Артефакт цивилизации - это предметы, представляющие развитие общества.


The word "artifactual" is derived from the noun "artifact," which comes from the Latin "artificium," meaning "craftsmanship." The suffix "-al" is used to form adjectives that pertain to or are characterized by the noun.


