Aspic refers to a savory jelly made from meat stock or consommé that is typically used as a dish in which meats, vegetables, or other ingredients are set. The word is derived from the French term for jelly-like dishes, and it can be used to describe both the jelly itself and dishes containing the jelly.
Aspic is particularly prevalent in culinary contexts and is associated with formal or traditional presentations of food. It is less commonly discussed in everyday conversation and more often appears in written contexts, such as cookbooks or gourmet food discussions.
The chef prepared an exquisite duck aspic, garnished with fresh herbs.
Шеф-повар приготовил изысканный утиной аспик, украсив свежей зеленью.
Many people are hesitant to try aspic due to its unique texture.
Многие люди не решаются попробовать аспик из-за его уникальной текстуры.
Aspic can be an impressive centerpiece for a fancy dinner party.
Аспик может быть впечатляющим центральным элементом для шикарного ужина.
While "aspic" is not a common component of idiomatic expressions, the word evokes notions of refinement and traditional cuisine. However, the term is primarily used in a culinary context. Here are some related examples that use terms indicating culinary elegance similar to aspic:
This means to risk everything on a single venture, often related to how one might invest in a complex dish like aspic.
The icing on the cake. Вишенка на торте.
Refers to something that makes a good situation even better, akin to adding aspic as a finishing touch to a dish.
A taste of your own medicine. Получить ту же монету.
It's about experiencing what one has inflicted on others, reminiscent of how the intriguing presentation of aspic can surprise diners.
Bite off more than you can chew. Укусить больше, чем можешь прожевать.
The term "aspic" originated from the French word aspic, which in turn derives from the Latin aspĭcum — meaning "jelly" or "gelatin." The culinary use of aspic can be traced back to classic French cuisine, where gelatinous dishes were popular among the aristocracy.
Synonyms: Gelatin, jelly, preserve
Antonyms: Solid, ungelatinous
In summary, aspic is a highly specialized term primarily found in culinary discussions, particularly when describing sophisticated dishes. Its use is more common in written contexts than in daily conversation, and it reflects a rich tradition of formal dining practices.