assuredness - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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assuredness (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Meaning and Usage

Assuredness refers to the state of being confident, certain, or self-assured. It describes a quality of having a strong conviction in one's actions, thoughts, or beliefs. The frequency of use of "assuredness" is relatively low compared to more common synonyms, and it tends to appear more often in written contexts (literature, essays, formal documents) rather than in everyday oral speech.

Example Sentences

  1. Her assuredness during the presentation impressed all the attendees.
  2. Su confianza durante la presentación impresionó a todos los asistentes.

  3. Despite the challenges, his assuredness never wavered.

  4. A pesar de los desafíos, su seguridad nunca vaciló.

  5. The assuredness in her voice reassured the anxious crowd.

  6. La seguridad en su voz tranquilizó a la multitud ansiosa.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "assuredness" itself isn't frequently used in idiomatic expressions, the concept of confidence can correlate with various phrases that include the notion of assurance or certainty. Here are some examples:

  1. To have a firm grasp on something
  2. She has a firm grasp on her responsibilities, reflecting her assuredness.
  3. Ella tiene un firme control sobre sus responsabilidades, reflejando su seguridad.

  4. To walk with confidence

  5. He always walks with confidence, a sign of his assuredness in life.
  6. Siempre camina con confianza, una señal de su seguridad en la vida.

  7. To be on solid ground

  8. After preparing for weeks, she felt she was on solid ground during the exam, showcasing her assuredness.
  9. Después de prepararse durante semanas, sintió que estaba en terreno firme durante el examen, mostrando su seguridad.

  10. To exude confidence

  11. His ability to exude confidence in negotiations is a clear indicator of his assuredness.
  12. Su capacidad para exudar confianza en las negociaciones es un claro indicador de su seguridad.


The word "assuredness" is derived from the root word "assure," which comes from the Old English "āserian," meaning "to make sure." The suffix "-ness" is added to form a noun that indicates a state or quality, thus reflecting the quality of being assured.

Synonyms and Antonyms


