Noun phrase
/ˌæð.ə.rəˌsklɒr.ɪ.sɪs əv əˈɔː.tə/
Atherosclerosis of the aorta refers to the buildup of fatty plaques in the aorta, the largest artery in the body, which can lead to narrowed arteries, reduced blood flow, and can contribute to serious cardiovascular diseases. This condition is a common form of atherosclerosis, and it often occurs with age or due to risk factors such as unhealthy lifestyle choices, high cholesterol levels, smoking, and hypertension.
The term is predominantly used in medical or written contexts, particularly in discussions concerning cardiovascular health, medical diagnoses, and research articles.
This term is relatively specialized, so while common in medical literature, it is less frequently used in everyday conversation among the general public.
(A aorta atheroszklerózisa potenciálisan életveszélyes állapotokhoz vezethet, mint például a aneurizma vagy a szívinfarktus.)
The doctor explained that atherosclerosis of the aorta is often asymptomatic until significant blockage occurs.
(Az orvos elmagyarázta, hogy a aorta atheroszklerózisa gyakran tünetmentes, amíg jelentős elzáródás nem következik be.)
Patients with atherosclerosis of the aorta may need lifestyle changes and medication to manage their condition.
The phrase "atherosclerosis of the aorta" is too specific for frequent idiomatic use. However, there are idiomatic expressions related to health and arteries that can convey a similar concern for cardiovascular health:
(Makacs, mint a szamár – a makacs viselkedés egészségügyi problémákhoz vezethet.)
"Pump iron" (to lift weights or exercise) could indirectly relate to preventative health measures against conditions like atherosclerosis.
(Súlyokat emelni – ez közvetetten kapcsolódhat a atheroszklerózis elleni megelőző intézkedésekhez.)
"Bite the bullet" (to endure a painful situation) could convey the necessity of lifestyle changes owed to a diagnosis like atherosclerosis.
The term “atherosclerosis” comes from the Greek words "atheroma," meaning "a gruel" (from the root athero- referring to a fatty deposit), and the Greek word "sklerosis," meaning "hardening." The “aorta” comes from the Latin word “aorta,” which originates from the Greek "aortē," meaning "to lift" or "to convey."
Synonyms: - Arteriosclerosis (a broader term for hardening of the arteries) - Vascular disease
Antonyms: - Vasodilation (widening of blood vessels) - Healthy arteries
This comprehensive overview of atherosclerosis of the aorta provides insight into its meaning, usage, and associated expressions within the context of English language and medical terminology.