autocratic(al) government - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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autocratic(al) government (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Adjective, Noun

Phonetic Transcription

/ˌɔːtəˈkrætɪk/ (adjective)
/ˌɔːtəˈkrætɪk ˈɡʌvərnmənt/ (noun phrase)

Meaning and Usage

Autocratic (adjective) refers to a system of government in which one person possesses unlimited power. An autocratic government (noun) is a political system where a single leader or a group of leaders have absolute control over political decisions and policy-making, often disregarding legal and democratic processes.

This term is frequently used in both written and spoken English, particularly in political science, sociology, and discussions about governance. It is essential for explaining various types of governance and is commonly encountered in media discussions about political regimes.

Example Sentences

  1. An autocratic government often suppresses dissent and limits freedom of speech.
    Un gobierno autocrático a menudo suprime la disidencia y limita la libertad de expresión.

  2. Countries ruled by an autocratic government usually lack democratic institutions.
    Los países gobernados por un gobierno autocrático suelen carecer de instituciones democráticas.

  3. The citizens challenged the policies of their autocratic government through peaceful protests.
    Los ciudadanos desafiaron las políticas de su gobierno autocrático a través de protestas pacíficas.

Idiomatic Expressions

The phrase "autocratic government" itself may not commonly appear in idioms, but there are several idiomatic expressions that convey similar themes regarding harsh or authoritarian rule.

  1. A leopard can't change its spots.
    Un leopardo no puede cambiar sus manchas.
    This idiom suggests that an autocratic leader is unlikely to change their authoritarian ways.

  2. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
    El poder corrompe, y el poder absoluto corrompe absolutamente.
    This saying reflects the tendency of leaders in autocratic governments to become increasingly corrupt.

  3. Rule with an iron fist.
    Gobernar con mano de hierro.
    This expression is used to describe a leader who governs harshly and without compassion, typical of autocratic regimes.

  4. To toe the party line.
    Seguir la línea del partido.
    This phrase refers to adhering strictly to the policies or ideology of an autocratic government, often suppressing individual opinions.

  5. Bite the bullet.
    Morder la bala.
    In the context of autocratic governments, citizens may have to accept harsh realities, like oppressive policies, in a resigned manner.


The word "autocratic" derives from the Greek word "autokratēs," meaning "ruler with self-power," from "auto," meaning "self," and "kratos," meaning "power" or "rule." The term has been used in English since the early 19th century to describe forms of governance characterized by singular authority.

Synonyms and Antonyms

- Authoritarian - Despotic - Tyrannical - Dictatorial

- Democratic - Egalitarian - Participatory - Representative

In conclusion, the term "autocratic government" encapsulates the nature of absolute authority in governance, reflecting both the defining characteristics of such regimes and the inherent challenges they present to civil liberties and democratic principles.
