/ˈbækboʊn ruːt/
The term "backbone route" typically refers to the primary or main route in a transportation network, such as a highway, railway, or shipping lane that connects major locations. It is a crucial path that supports the overall connectivity of a region. The phrase is more commonly used in written contexts, especially in transportation planning, logistics, and geography.
The new railway system will enhance the backbone route connecting the north and south of the state.
Новая железная дорога улучшит главную трассу, соединяющую север и юг штата.
Local businesses are hoping for more traffic along the backbone route after the construction is complete.
Местные предприятия надеются на увеличение потока людей вдоль главной трассы после завершения строительства.
It is essential to maintain the backbone route for efficient transportation in urban areas.
Необходимо поддерживать главную трассу для эффективного транспорта в городских зонах.
While "backbone route" is not an idiom itself, it relates to idiomatic expressions about routes, paths, or connectivity. Here are some examples:
"Take the scenic route."
"Выбери живописный маршрут."
This means to choose a longer, more visually appealing path rather than the quickest one.
"It's a roundabout way."
"Это окольный путь."
This indicates that something is being done in a more complicated or indirect manner compared to a direct approach.
"Off the beaten path."
"В стороне от проторенной дорожки."
Refers to a route that is less traveled or popular, often used to indicate exploration or adventure in less conventional areas.
The term "backbone" comes from Old English bacan (to bend or curve) and bon (bone). The concept signifies strength and support. The word "route" comes from the Latin word rupta, which means "broken" or "a way," signifying a path taken.
- Main route
- Principal route
- Arterial route
- Detour
- Side road
- Branch route