backgammon - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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backgammon (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Meaning and Usage

Backgammon is a two-player board game in which players move their pieces around the board according to the roll of dice, aiming to remove all their pieces from the board before their opponent. It is considered one of the oldest known board games and combines elements of luck and strategy.

The frequency of use for "backgammon" is moderate; it is less common in everyday speech but frequently appears in discussions about games, strategies, or leisure activities. It can be found in both oral and written contexts, but tends to be more prevalent in written form, particularly in game literature, articles, and formal discussions about gaming.

Example Sentences

  1. I often spend my weekends playing backgammon with friends.
    (Pas souvent, je passe mes week-ends à jouer au backgammon avec des amis.)

  2. She learned to play backgammon from her grandfather.
    (Elle a appris à jouer au backgammon de son grand-père.)

  3. Backgammon tournaments can be quite competitive and exciting.
    (Les tournois de backgammon peuvent être très compétitifs et passionnants.)

Idiomatic Expressions

"Backgammon" is not frequently used in idiomatic expressions. However, it embodies concepts related to strategy, chance, and competing against an opponent. Below are some contextual examples that reflect the strategic essence of backgammon:

  1. "Life is like a game of backgammon; sometimes you make the right moves, and other times you depend on the roll of the dice."
    (La vie est comme une partie de backgammon; parfois, vous faites les bons mouvements, et d'autres fois, vous dépendez du lancer des dés.)

  2. "You can’t always win at backgammon, just like in life; it’s all about how you play the game."
    (Vous ne pouvez pas toujours gagner au backgammon, tout comme dans la vie; tout dépend de la façon dont vous jouez.)

  3. "Before you start a project, remember that strategy is key, just like in backgammon."
    (Avant de commencer un projet, rappelez-vous que la stratégie est essentielle, tout comme au backgammon.)


The word "backgammon" traces its origins to the Middle English term "bac gamen," which is believed to have been derived from the Middle Dutch term "bac," meaning "back," and "kommen," meaning "to come." The game's history dates back thousands of years, with evidence of similar games played in ancient civilizations such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Rome.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - N/A (Backgammon is a specific game, so it lacks direct synonyms.)

Antonyms: - N/A (Similar to synonyms, there are no direct antonyms as "backgammon" refers to a specific game.)
