badass - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
ChatGPT AI Dictionary

badass (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Badass is primarily used as a noun, but it can also function as an adjective.

Phonetic Transcription


Meaning and Usage

"Badass" is a slang term commonly used to describe someone or something that is tough, uncompromising, or formidable. It conveys a sense of admiration or respect for someone who demonstrates strength, independence, or rebellion against norms. The term is often used in informal contexts. Its frequency of use has become more prevalent in recent years, especially in popular culture and media.

Example Sentences: 1. "The superhero in the movie is such a badass, always saving the day."
(El superhéroe en la película es tan badass, siempre salvando el día.)

  1. "You need to be a badass to ride a motorcycle like that."
    (Necesitas ser un badass para conducir una motocicleta así.)

  2. "She has a badass attitude that makes her stand out."
    (Ella tiene una actitud badass que la hace destacar.)

Idiomatic Expressions

"Badass" may not have traditional idiomatic expressions, but it does frequently appear in colloquial phrases and contemporary slang. Here are some expressions that include "badass":

  1. "She is a total badass when it comes to martial arts."
    (Ella es un badass total en lo que respecta a las artes marciales.)

  2. "That car is totally badass; I wish I had one."
    (Ese coche es totalmente badass; desearía tener uno.)

  3. "He pulled off a badass stunt during the performance."
    (Él realizó una acrobacia badass durante la actuación.)

  4. "The team's badass attitude led them to victory."
    (La actitud badass del equipo los llevó a la victoria.)

  5. "They have a badass reputation for their fearless adventures."
    (Tienen una reputación badass por sus aventuras sin miedo.)


The word "badass" is a compound word first recorded in the 1960s. It combines "bad," which has been used to imply something good or admirable in slang, with "ass," a term that adds emphasis. The use of "bad" in a positive context reflects a form of linguistic reclamation commonly found in African American Vernacular English (AAVE).

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Tough - Fierce - Fearless - Bad

Antonyms: - Weak - Timid - Submissive - Cowardly
