benign tumor - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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benign tumor (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/bɪˈnaɪn ˈtjuːmər/

Meaning and Usage

A benign tumor refers to a mass of cells that grows in a non-cancerous manner. These tumors do not invade surrounding tissues or metastasize (spread to other parts of the body), which distinguishes them from malignant tumors. While benign tumors can cause health issues due to their size or location, they are generally considered less serious than malignant tumors.

Frequency of Use: The term "benign tumor" is commonly used in medical contexts, both in written reports and oral discussions between healthcare professionals and patients. It is particularly prevalent in oncology, pathology, and general health discourse.

Example Sentences

  1. The doctor confirmed that the growth in her leg was a benign tumor.
    El doctor confirmó que el crecimiento en su pierna era un tumor benigno.

  2. After conducting tests, they assured him that he had a benign tumor that required no immediate treatment.
    Después de realizar pruebas, le aseguraron que tenía un tumor benigno que no requería tratamiento inmediato.

  3. Many people live with a benign tumor without experiencing any symptoms.
    Muchas personas viven con un tumor benigno sin experimentar ningún síntoma.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "benign tumor" is not as commonly used in idiomatic expressions, but it is worth noting that the concept of benignity can appear metaphorically in various contexts.

  1. "The changes in the organization were seen as a benign tumor, not a threat to the established order." Los cambios en la organización fueron vistos como un tumor benigno, no una amenaza al orden establecido.

  2. "Her presence in the group was a benign tumor that contributed to a positive environment." Su presencia en el grupo fue un tumor benigno que contribuyó a un ambiente positivo.


The word "benign" derives from the Latin benignus, which means "kind" or "genial," composed of bene (well) and gignere (to produce). The word "tumor" has Latin roots as well, from tumor, meaning "a swelling" or "to swell."

Synonyms and Antonyms

- Non-cancerous tumor
- Harmless growth
- Benign neoplasm

- Malignant tumor
- Cancerous growth
- Aggressive neoplasm

Benign tumors are essential to understand in the context of medicine, as they represent a category of growth that differs significantly in implications and approach from malignant tumors.
