besmear - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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besmear (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Meaning and Usage

The verb "besmear" means to smear or cover something with a substance, typically in a messy or unclean manner. It is most commonly used in contexts related to applying a substance, often in a derogatory manner. The frequency of use for "besmear" is relatively low in contemporary English, primarily appearing in written contexts rather than in spoken language.

Example Sentences

  1. The artist decided to besmear the canvas with various colors to convey her emotions.
    (В качестве выражения своих эмоций художник решила вымазать холст различными цветами.)

  2. Critics accused him of trying to besmear his opponent's reputation with false claims.
    (Критики обвинили его в попытке запятнать репутацию своего оппонента ложными утверждениями.)

  3. The children couldn't help but besmear their faces with chocolate after raiding the pantry.
    (Дети не могли удержаться от того, чтобы измазать свои лица шоколадом после обыска в кладовой.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "besmear" is not commonly found in idioms, its implications of dirtiness and slander may find resonance in a few expressions. However, here are idiomatic phrases that focus generally on 'smearing' and its pervasive implications:

  1. Smear campaign
    The politician was the target of a smear campaign, aimed at tarnishing his image.
    (Политик стал жертвой наглой кампании, направленной на порчу его имиджа.)

  2. Besmirch someone's reputation
    It is unjust to besmirch someone's reputation based on rumors alone.
    (Несправедливо запятнать чью-то репутацию только на основании слухов.)

  3. Smear someone with false accusations
    He felt betrayed after his colleague tried to smear him with false accusations.
    (Он чувствовал себя преданным, когда его коллега попытался оболгать его ложными обвинениями.)


The term "besmear" is derived from the prefix "be-" which indicates around, and "smear," which comes from the Old English "smeorian," meaning to smear or spread. The usage of “besmear” reflects a sense of thorough covering, enhancing the action of smearing.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Smear - Stain - Smeary - Blot

Antonyms: - Clean - Clear - Purify - Defend

Overall, "besmear" conveys a strong visual of applying substances in a way that suggests messiness, which can also extend metaphorically to tarnishing reputations or ideas.
