Noun Phrase
/bɪn.dɪŋ klæmp/
A binding clamp is a tool used to hold or secure objects tightly together, often in woodworking, metalworking, or other crafting activities. It ensures that parts do not move while they are being assembled or glued.
The term is common in both oral and written contexts, especially in technical and craftsmanship discussions. It is moderately frequent, particularly among professionals or hobbyists in relevant fields.
The carpenter used a binding clamp to hold the pieces of wood together while the glue dried.
Деревянщик использовал зажим для связывания, чтобы удерживать деревянные детали вместе, пока клей высыхал.
You should invest in a good binding clamp for your DIY projects to ensure everything stays in place.
Вам стоит инвестировать в хороший зажим для связывания для ваших проектов своими руками, чтобы всё осталось на месте.
A binding clamp can be a lifesaver when trying to assemble furniture that requires precise measurements.
Зажим для связывания может стать спасением, когда вы пытаетесь собрать мебель, для которой требуются точные размеры.
While "binding clamp" is not commonly featured in idiomatic expressions, the concept of "clamping down" can be relevant, referring to enforcing rules or restrictions firmly.
The government decided to clamp down on illegal activities in the neighborhood.
Правительство решило ужесточить контроль за нелегальной деятельностью в округе.
The company is clamping down on excessive spending to improve its financial health.
Компания ужесточает контроль за чрезмерными расходами, чтобы улучшить своё финансовое состояние.
The school is going to clamp down on tardiness to promote punctuality among students.
Школа собирается ужесточить контроль за опозданиями, чтобы содействовать пунктуальности среди учащихся.
The term binding originates from the Old English word "bindan," meaning to tie or fasten. "Clamp" comes from Middle English "clampe," which is of uncertain origin, but it generally refers to a device that grips or holds objects together.
Synonyms: - Fastening device - Clamp - Holder - Press
Antonyms: - Release - Loosen - Unfasten
The term “binding clamp” particularly refers to a specific kind of clamp, but in some contexts, synonyms might vary in their precise use based on the task or industry.